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should be worry-free

it's just that simple

At This Office...


We value our patient relationships and make it our priority to deliver the gentle, compassionate dental care that you deserve. Our goal for all of our patients is to have a beautiful, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

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Doctor and Patient
You Can Have Confidence Here

Every time you come for a visit with Dr. Tseng, we want you to walk out feeling that your dental health is in good hands and that your finances and time were utilized well.

Read more about Dr. Tseng 

Flexible Payment Planning
VIP Club Option


Patients of our practice without dental insurance can make low, monthly payments for their dental care...and save money!

Starting at $31.30/month for adults.  

Cute Notebooks
Tooth Fairy Encourages Positive Oral Health Habits and Brings Joy to Families


The Tooth Fairy has long been a beloved figure in households across the country, but her role goes beyond just leaving a little something under the pillow. Find out how this tradition is helping parents instill positive oral health habits in their children while bringing a sense of joy and celebration to the home here

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